Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Neda Agha Sultan - Iran Video

Neda Iran Video is about an angelic Iranian woman who was protesting in the streets along with other like minded people for democracy and justice when she was shot in the streets of Tehran by state militia.

Somebody happen to record this video and uploaded it labeling it as Neda Iran Video and it has become a rallying cry for justice in not only Iran but around the world.

This is a moment in history much like the Tienanmen Square incident involving the Tank Man. Years from now students of history will look back and recall the Neda Iran Video as being an important milestone in the history of this troubled nations past.

Neda Iran Video has given a gentle yet strong face to the Iranians call for liberty. It has rallied people around the world in a show of support for the brave people of Iran.

Warning: Check out the Neda Iran Video and Photos/Pictures below but be careful as they are very disturbing. If you are below 18 or weak hearted, I would not recommend it for you.

The current debate is about the response of Obama’s administration to the ongoing trouble in Iran. US officials have adopted a hands-off approach towards the country. Many people are not happy about it.

As far as I am concenred, yes, morally US should come out in support of the Iranian people just like the whole world is standing along with them. But practically speaking, US has to act in its own interest and given the past troubled history between the two nations, this would not only further antagonize the Iranian mullahs but in fact but be seen as counter productive to the efforts of the protestors. - Techbanyan.Com

Similiar News :-

1. Neda Agha Sultan Video: Iranian Woman Martyr

2. Family, friends mourn 'Neda,' Iranian woman who died on video

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