Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarnor, a Malaysian Muslim model faces an unusual punishment, caning. She is set to become the first woman in the Southeast Asian country to be caned for drinking alcohol in public. A mother of two, Kartika was arrested from a hotel lounge in 2008. Now she will be lashed six times. Kartika insisted that her sentence be carried out in public.
Model Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, who was scheduled to be caned this week for drinking beer, has been released temporarily as it is not advisable for the sentence to be meted out during the fasting month.
Related News :
1. Malaysian model, mother to be caned for drinking beer in public
2. Model to be canned for drinking beer
3. Malaysian model to be caned for drinking beer
4. Kartika to be caned after fasting month
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